10.4. A working demo

The following demo (and others) can be viewed online here

Let's imagine we want a little application for managing information about pets: their name, a portrait-pic and a funny story about them. We will use our example-table defined earlier in this chapter.

Using mySQL, this table could have been created as follows: (check your RDBMS-SQL-manual if you are not sure how your database handles auto incremental fields or BLOBs )

   CREATE TABLE pets (
      name char (30) NULL,
      portrait_pic BLOB NULL,
      story BLOB NULL,

Here is the source code we need to create the application:

   <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/dbForms.tld" prefix="db" %>

       <link rel="stylesheet" href="dbforms.css">

           <!-- function openWin(s) {


         <db:dbform tableName="pets" maxRows="*" 
                    followUp="/petportraits.jsp" multipart=true>

         <db:gotoButton caption="Menu" destination="/menu.jsp" />

               <h1>Funny pets page (1)</h1>
               <center><h3>very important creatures</h3></center>

               <table border="5" width="60%" align="CENTER">

         <db:body allowNew="false">
         <db:textField fieldName="name" size="20" maxlength="30"/>
                           <a href="javascript:openWin('/example_v06/
                               <img src="
         <db:blobURL fieldName="portrait_pic"/>" border="0" 
                    width="60" height="60" alt="pet portrait (click to see full size)">
                           For a funny story about 
         <db:label fieldName="name"/> click
                           <a href="javascript:openWin('/example_v06/
         <db:blobURL fieldName="story"/>')">

         <db:updateButton caption="Update"/>

         <db:deleteButton caption="Delete"/>


               <center><h3>upload new pet portrait:</h3></center>
               <center>Please fill out the following form!</center>

                <table align="center" border="3">
                       <td>Pet's Name:</td>

         <db:textField size="20" maxlength="30" fieldName="name"/>

         <db:file fieldName="portrait_pic" accept="image/*" />
                           Funny story<br>(any format: html, pdf, txt, word,...)

         <db:file fieldName="story" />


         <db:insertButton caption="Right, load the portrait to server..!!"/>




You have now seen <blobURL> and <file> in action! As you can see, it is pretty easy to handle files with DbForms. Most of the code is about laying out the html-view and playing around with JavaScripts to create pop-up windows for showing the pet-stories and portraits in an attractive way.

The final result of our efforts looks like this:

Figure 10.2. our little BLOB-App in action

our little BLOB-App in action