31.1. org.dbforms.event package

The Event package contains the EventEngine and the Event Factory classes. Provides the DbEventInterceptor interface and the DbEventInterceptorSupport class.

Click here for the diagram picture.

31.1.1. EventEngine

This class is invoked by the Controller servlet. It parses a request to find out which event(s) need to be instanciated. The fine-grained parsing (parsing of additional data, etc) is done by the WebEvent-Object itself (in order to hide complexity from this class and to keep the framework open for implementations of new Event-classes).

31.1.2. EventFactory

The EventFactory abstract class provides the interface and the implementation of protected methods used by eventFactory subclasses (see NavEventFactory and DatabaseEventFactory)

31.1.3. NavEventFactory

The NavEventFactory abstract class provides the interface for a NavigationEvent concrete class (see NavEventFactoryImpl).

31.1.4. NavEventFactoryImpl

The NavEventFactoryImpl class is the concrete implementation of the NavEventFactory abstract class; it initializes also the default navigation events.

31.1.5. DatabaseEventFactory

The DatabaseEventFactory abstract class provides the interface for a DatabaseEvent concrete class (see DatabaseEventFactoryImpl).

31.1.6. DatabaseEventFactoryImpl

The DatabaseEventFactoryImpl class is the concrete implementation of the DatabaseEventFactory abstract class; it initializes also the default database events.

31.1.7. NavigationEvent

The NavigationEvent abstract class provides the interface for NavigationEvent subclasses. See the Datalist diagram page [REF HERE] for further informations about NavigationEvent subclasses.

31.1.8. ReloadEvent

ReloadEvent is used to reload the current page with data from Request object. When you want to do action on different field when one of them change. Use for field manipulation server side.

Example: Select child change when Select parent change.

31.1.9. NoopEvent