31.4. org.dbforms.conprovider package

The conprovider package provides the ConnectionFactory used by DbForms to get a new JDBC connection object. The ConnectionFactory uses specialized ConnectionProvider objects to manage the interaction with connection pool libraries or other connection providers.

Click here for the diagram picture, or read further documentation about connection support.

31.4.1. ConnectionFactory

Provides SQL Connection objects using the underlying ConnectionProvider instance.

31.4.2. ConnectionProvider

the ConnectionProvider abstract class defines the interface for specialized connectionProvider subclasses. Provides SQL Connection objects using the underlying ConnectionProvider instance.

Subclasses must extend this class and implement initialize and getConnection methods.

31.4.3. ConnectionProviderPrefs

The ConnectionProviderPrefs class holds the preferences for a given connectionProvider object.

31.4.4. JakartaConnectionProvider

Connection provider class for Apache Jakarta commons-dbcp component.

31.4.5. ProtomatterConnectionProvider

Connection provider for Protomatter Connection pool component.

31.4.6. SimpleConnectionProvider

Provides non-pooled connections.