7.4. Implementing the forms

The following sections will demonstrate how to create our sample application using some basic and some more advanced elements of DbForms.

For each form we are going to discuss here, we have included the JSP source code containing the DbForms elements followed by a representative screenshot of the resulting HTML page.

We suggest installing this tutorial application from the examples/tutorial directory in the distribution and taking a detailed look at it. You will quickly find out how the elements behave and which pattern of combined DbForms elements is best for each purpose. Instructions for quickly installing the tutorial are described in Section 7.5, “Installing the tutorial application” .

For more detailed information about each DbForms custom element, please refer to the DbForms Custom Tag Library document in the docs/taglib directory. This document contains a complete description of all DbForms tags and their attributes.

7.4.1. Main Menu

The main menu's only purpose is to link to the other pages. Of course, this could be done by simply coding html hyperlinks, but this section demonstrates how to use an empty element and how to use gotoButton elements.

Example 7.3. Code for menu.jsp

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/dbforms.tld" prefix="db" %>



  <db:dbform followUp="/menu.jsp">
    <db:gotoButton caption="Edit Services Table"
    <db:gotoButton caption="Edit Priority Table"
    <db:gotoButton caption="Customer List"
    <db:gotoButton caption="Browse Customer Orders"
    <db:gotoButton caption="Browse Customer Complaints"
    <db:gotoButton caption="All Info about Customers"



The <%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/dbForms.tld" prefix="db" %> element refers to the Taglib Descriptor (tld) of DbForms and defines the prefix used to identify the elements of the tag library. (In our sample application we are using db, but you could use a different prefix.)

We used the following attributes of db:gotoButton:

  • caption: the caption of the button
  • destination: the URL of the page to jump to

The db:base element should be included in every JSP that contains DbForms elements. It ensures that images, Cascading Style Sheets and relative links to other pages are found.

Figure 7.3. Main menu (menu.jsp)

Main menu (menu.jsp)

7.4.2. Services

This page enables the user to administer an inventory of the services the company sells to its customers. The user will get a list of all the existing services along with text fields and buttons to update and delete rows. Finally an empty input form for inserting new services is also presented.

Example 7.4. Code for services.jsp

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/dbforms.tld" prefix="db" %>


  <db:dbform tableName="services" maxRows="*" 

      <db:gotoButton caption="Menu" destination="/menu.jsp" />
      <h1>Services We Provide</h1>
        <h3>Existing Service Definitions</h3>

      <table border="5" width="60%" align="CENTER">

        <db:textField fieldName="id" size="5"/>
        <db:textField fieldName="name" size="20" 
        <db:textField fieldName="description" size="24" 
        <db:updateButton caption="Update"/>
        <db:deleteButton caption="Delete"/>


    <center><h3>Enter New Service Definition</h3></center>

    <table align="center" border="3">    
        <db:textField size="5" fieldName="id"/>
        <db:textField size="20" maxlength="30" fieldName="name"/>
        <db:textArea rows="4" cols="20" wrap="virtual" 
      <db:insertButton caption="Store New Service Definition"


There is one HTML table for headings and rows of data. The td elements that define the column headings are in the db:header element because the header is rendered only once on the page. The td elements that define the rows of data are in the db:body element becase the row will be rendered many times if multiple rows of data are retrieved from the database.

maxRows is set to * which is equivalent to 'get all rows'. If the data requested contains a great number of rows, we might consider setting maxRows to 10, 20 or another limited number. If so, we would instantiate navigation buttons for scrolling between the pages. We will use that pattern later on.

The db:errors element shows a list of errors, if any occurred (i.e. duplicate key error, etc.). The placement of this element determines where the messages will be displayed.

The db:updateButton and db:deleteButton elements are placed in the body and are therefore rendered for each row.

Figure 7.4. Managing services (services.jsp)

Managing services (services.jsp)

7.4.3.  Priorities

This page enables the user to manage a list of priorities we will use this data later in the complaints page where we will prompt the user to select the appropriate priority for a user's complaint.

Example 7.5. Code for priorities.jsp

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/dbforms.tld" prefix="db" %>


<db:dbform tableName="priorities" maxRows="*" 
  followUp="/priorities.jsp" autoUpdate="true">

    <db:gotoButton caption="Menu" destination="/menu.jsp" />
    <h1>Priority Definitions</h1>
    <center><h3>Existing Priority Definitions</h3></center>
    <table border="5" width="60%" align="CENTER">
      <th>Short Name</th>

      <td><db:label fieldName="id"/></td>
      <td><db:textField fieldName="shortname"/></td>
      <td><db:textField fieldName="description"/></td>
        <db:updateButton caption="Update"/>
        <db:deleteButton caption="Delete"/>


    <center><h3>Enter New Priority Definition</h3></center>

    <table border="3" align="center">
      <td><db:textField size="3" fieldName="id"/></td>
      <td><db:textField fieldName="shortname"/></td>
      <td><db:textArea rows="3" cols="20" 

      <db:insertButton caption="Store New Priority Definition"



As you may have noticed, we have used a pattern for this page that is similar to the pattern for services.jsp.

The only real difference can be found in the autoUpdate attribute in the db:form element, which is set to true in priorities.jsp. This means, that all rows will be updated if their text fields (and other data-sensitive elements such as pick lists) have been edited by the user. For example, if the user edits data in priorities numbered 1, 2 and 3 and then clicks a single update (or any other action button), all changes will be stored automatically in the database! (These automatically triggered events are called implicit, or secondary events.)x

Figure 7.5. Defining priority levels (priorities.jsp)

Defining priority levels (priorities.jsp)

7.4.4. Customer list

This convenience page provides the user with a listing of all customers. The user is able to select a customer from the list and perform a given operation (edit orders, edit complaints submitted by the customer). The user will be able to delete existing customers, as well.

Example 7.6. Code for customer_list.jsp

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/dbforms.tld" prefix="db" %>

  <db:dbform tableName="customers" maxRows="*" 

    <db:gotoButton caption="Menu" destination="/menu.jsp" />
      <h1>Customer List</h1>
      <table align="center" cellspacing="6">
        <td><b>First Name</b></td>
        <td><b>Last Name</b></td>

    <db:body allowNew="false">
        <td><db:associatedRadio name="r_customerkey" /></td>
        <td><db:label fieldName="firstname"/></td>
        <td><db:label fieldName="lastname"/></td>                                
        <td><db:label fieldName="address"/></td>
        <td><db:label fieldName="pcode"/></td>
        <td><db:label fieldName="city"/></td>
        <td><db:deleteButton caption="delete"/></td>



      <db:gotoButton caption="Orders" 

      <db:gotoButton caption="Complaints" 

      <db:gotoButton caption="All Information"

      of the selected customer!




In this page, we introduce a new pattern, the use of db:associatedRadio elements. To demonstrate the difference between this new pattern and the old pattern, we have used both patterns in the customer list page. The delete buttons follow the old pattern and the buttons for orders, complaints and all information are implemented using the new pattern. Using db:associatedRadio elements to mark a row for certain actions (in our case navigating to orders, complaints and all information) saves a lot of space and makes for a cleaner interface. If we had to include a button for all possible actions, the page would not look very user-friendly.

You may have noticed that the db:gotoButton element has a strange sounding attribute keyToKeyToDestPos. The value of this attribute is generated by DbForms and links the row in the page that is associated with the radio button with the corresponding row in the Customers table. It refers to the primary key in the Customers table and is used to identify the row the system will jump to when the user clicks an action button.

Another interesting item is that the attribute allowNew in the db:body element is set to a value of false. This has the effect, in the case of an empty result set (no customers), of bypassing the body element altogether.

Figure 7.6. List of customers (customer_list.jsp)

List of customers (customer_list.jsp)

7.4.5. Orders

This page provides the user with the ability to manage new orders for a given customer. The user is able to edit customer orders, as well as customer data. The user should not be required to 'struggle' with item numbers, but instead, should be able to simply select (from a drop down select box) the services the customer has indicated they wish to purchase.

Figure 7.7.  Underlying data for customer_orders.jsp

Underlying data for customer_orders.jsp

Example 7.7.  Code for customer_orders.jsp

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/dbforms.tld" prefix="db" %>


  <!-- show any database errors here -->

  <db:dbform tableName="customers" maxRows="1"
             followUp="/customer_orders.jsp" autoUpdate="false">

    <db:gotoButton caption="Menu" destination="/menu.jsp" />
    <h1>Customer Orders</h1>

    <table align="center">
        <db:textField fieldName="id" size="4"/>
      <td>First Name</td>
        <db:textField fieldName="firstname" size="18"/>
      <td>Last Name</td>
        <db:textField fieldName="lastname" size="18"/>
        <db:textField fieldName="address" size="25" />
      <td>Postal Code - City</td>
        <db:textField fieldName="pcode" size="6"/> -
        <db:textField fieldName="city" size="16"/>

    <!-- table embedding the sub form -->
    <table align="center" border="1">

        <!-------- sub form begin ------->
        <db:dbform tableName="orders" maxRows="2" 
                   parentField="id" childField="customer_id" 

            <!-- Show existing orders of services for the customer -->
            <table width="100%">
              <td width="40"></td>
              <td>Order Date</td>

          <db:body allowNew="true">
              <td width="40">
                <db:associatedRadio name="radio_order"/>
                <db:select fieldName="service_id">
                    name          = "our_services"
                    foreignTable  = "services"
                    visibleFields = "name"
                    storeField    = "id"
                <db:textField fieldName="orderdate" size="14"/>

              <td colspan="3" align="CENTER">
                <db:updateButton caption="Update Order"
                <db:deleteButton caption="Delete Order"
                <db:insertButton caption="Store New Order"
                                 showAlways="false" />
                <db:navNewButton caption="New Order" 
                                 showAlwaysInFooter="false" />

              <db:navFirstButton caption="&lt;&lt; First" />
              <db:navPrevButton caption="&lt; Previous" />
              <db:navNextButton caption="Next &gt;" />
              <db:navLastButton caption="Last &gt;&gt;" />


        <!-------- sub form end -------->

    <!-- end of table embedding the sub form -->

      <db:insertButton caption="Store New Customer" />
      <db:updateButton caption="Update Customer" />
      <db:deleteButton caption="Delete Customer" />
      <db:navNewButton caption="New Customer" 
                       showAlwaysInFooter="false" />

      <db:navFirstButton caption="&lt;&lt; First" />
      <db:navPrevButton caption="&lt; Previous" />
      <db:navNextButton caption="Next &gt;"  />
      <db:navLastButton caption="Last &gt;&gt;" />



In this page, we have introduced several new DbForm features.

Nested Forms: The structure of this page is similar to the structure shown in Section, “The structure of a DbForms View” where a main form has a subform in its body. The subform is linked to its parent by the equality of one or more data fields defined in the child form's parentField and childField attributes. If there is more than one field to define for correct mapping, a field list may be provided, with each field separated from the other by commas or semicolons.

Select Element: In addition to db:textField: and db:textArea elements, more complex elements like db:select, db:radio and db:checkbox can be used for data visualization and manipulation. The db:select element to allows the user to choose the type of services available from a pulldown list.

External data fetched by a db:tableData element: This element provides external data for db:radio, db:checkbox or db:select elements. It may be used for cross references to other tables. In our case, we initialized the select box with external data from the service table. Be aware that you have to distinguish between the field(s) to be shown to the user and the field to be stored in the associated field in the table. In our case we showed the field service.name and stored the value service.id in the associated field orders.service_id! The name our_services was defined to enable internal caching of the data, which increases performance.

Navigation Buttons: Because only one customer is visible at once, the user needs a means of navigating between records. This functionality is provided by the db:navFirstButton, db:navLastButton, db:navPrevButton, and db:navNextButton elements. In addition, using the second set of navigation buttons, the user can navigate through a list of orders if there are more than the maxRows that are displayed in the subform.

The db:navNewButton element navigates the user to an empty form. This form is automatically created by DbForms. It is the same as this page, but the fields are not populated and the insert button that we defined in this JSP is present but the update and delete buttons are not present.

Figure 7.8. Managing customers and their orders on a single page (customer_orders.jsp)

Managing customers and their orders on a single page (customer_orders.jsp)

7.4.6. Complaints

This page is conceptually similar to the previous JSP (customer_orders.jsp). It provides the user with the ability to manage customer complaints. The user is, once again, able to edit customer complaints as well as customer data, all from the same page.

To establish an order of importance, every reported complaint must be associated with a priority level. To make life easier for our users, they are able to simply pick a priority level from a maintainable list of predefined priority levels.

Figure 7.9. Underlying data for customer_complaints.jsp

Underlying data for customer_complaints.jsp

Example 7.8.  Code for customer_complaints.jsp

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/dbforms.tld" prefix="db" %>


  <!-- show any database errors here -->

  <db:dbform tableName="customers" maxRows="1"
    followUp="/customer_complaints.jsp" autoUpdate="false">

    <db:gotoButton caption="Menu" destination="/menu.jsp" />
    <h1>Customer Complaints</h1>

    <table align="center">
          <db:textField fieldName="id" size="4"/>
      <td>First Name</td>
      <td><db:textField fieldName="firstname" size="18"/></td>
      <td>Last Name</td>
      <td><db:textField fieldName="lastname" size="18"/></td>
      <td><db:textField fieldName="address" size="25" /></td>
      <td>Postal Code - City</td>
        <db:textField fieldName="pcode" size="6"/> -
        <db:textField fieldName="city" size="16"/>

    <!-- table embedding the sub form -->
    <table align="center" border="1">

        <!-------- sub form begin ------->
        <db:dbform tableName="complaints" maxRows="2" 
                   parentField="id" childField="customer_id" 

          <!-- Show existing complaints of the customer -->
            <td width="40"></td>
            <td valign="top">User's Message</td>
            <td>Priority<br/><db:sort fieldName="priority"/></td>
            <td>Incoming Date<br/><db:sort 

        <db:body allowNew="true">
            <td width="40" valign="top">
              <db:associatedRadio name="radio_complaint" />
            <td valign="top">
              <db:textArea fieldName="usermessage" 
                           cols="32" rows="3" wrap="virtual"/>
            <td valign="top">
              <db:select fieldName="priority">
                  name          = "some_priorities"
                  foreignTable  = "priorities"
                  visibleFields = "shortname"
                  storeField    = "id"
            <td valign="top">
              <db:textField fieldName="incomingdate" size="14"/>

            <td colspan="4" align="CENTER">
              <db:updateButton caption="Update Complaint"
              <db:deleteButton caption="Delete Complaint"
                               associatedRadio="radio_complaint "/>
              <db:insertButton caption="Store New Complaint"
                               showAlways="false" />
              <db:navNewButton caption="New Complaint"
                               showAlwaysInFooter="false" />

            <db:navFirstButton caption="&lt;&lt; First" />
            <db:navPrevButton caption="&lt; Previous" />
            <db:navNextButton caption="Next &gt;" />
            <db:navLastButton caption="Last &gt;&gt;" />

        <!-------- sub form end -------->

    <!-- end of table embedding the sub form -->

      <db:insertButton caption="Store New Customer"  />
      <db:updateButton caption="Update Customer"  />
      <db:deleteButton caption="Delete Customer"  />
      <db:navNewButton caption="New Customer"

      <db:navFirstButton caption="&lt;&lt; First" />
      <db:navPrevButton caption="&lt; Previous" />
      <db:navNextButton caption="Next &gt;"  />
      <db:navLastButton caption="Last &gt;&gt;" />



In this page, the user can sort the complaints by either priority or by date. The sort control boxes are placed under the column headings using the db:sort element. To use this feature on a field, the field must be defined as isKey or sortable in the dbforms-config.xml file.

The usermessage field is very long, 255 characters. The db:textArea element is used to display this field. In our example, up to 96 characters is displayed on three lines.

Figure 7.10. Managing customers and their complaints on a single page (customer_complaints.jsp)

Managing customers and their complaints on a single page (customer_complaints.jsp)

7.4.7. Customer information

This page was created by merging customer_orders.jsp and customer_complaints.jsp into one file and then removing the update capabilities (radio buttons and update, etc. buttons).

A new technique was used in this form. Only excerpts of the code are shown in the examples below. The complete JSP source code is available in the tutorial application in the examples/tutorial directory of the distribution.

Example 7.9.  Defining a query with data from more than one table in dbforms-config.xml

   <query name="orders_and_servicenames"
     <field name="customer_id"  fieldType="int"/>
     <field name="name"         fieldType="char"/>
     <field name="orderdate"    fieldType="char"/>

Example 7.10.  Displaying data from more than one table in a single form (customers_all.jsp)

        <!-------- first sub form begin ------->
        <db:dbform tableName="orders_and_servicenames"
                   maxRows="2" parentField="id"

            <!-- Show existing orders of services for the customer -->
            <table width="100%">
              <td>Order Date</td>

          <db:body allowNew="false">
                <db:textField fieldName="name"/>
                <db:textField fieldName="orderdate" size="14"/>



In a previous example, we used the db:select element along with a db:radioButton element to get the names for the types of services from the Services table and display them in a pulldown list. This displays the name of the current value of the service id and allows the user to change the value. But in customers_all.jsp we only want to display data rather than provide a capability to update it. We cannot use the db:select and db:radioButton elements. We need to use a different technique to get and display the names of the types of services.

This technique requires an addition in the dbforms-config.xml file. The query element called orders_and_servicename. contains an SQL query that joins the Orders and Services tables. We get the data from the Orders table and the service names from the Services table. Then, in the JSP, we use query in the same way that we have been using table. We reference this query in the db:dbform element and the field name in the db:textField element.