6.3. Installation

Installation steps are specified in the following subsections.

6.3.1. j2sdk 2.0 v1.4

You must use this version for these dbforms instructions, because of its
xml/xsl classes.

6.3.2. Install MS JDBC Driver

Install the Microsoft JDBC driver for Microsoft SQL Server:

- run the setup.exe.

  - Currently, when you run the install, it identifies itself as a
    Service Pack 1. That's ok, it includes the original JDBC driver

6.3.3. Install Tomcat and create "dbf" webapp

- Just run the friendly install program.

- Note: we couldn't get the NT service option to work: we could never
  start the service, so we suggest you skip it.

- Read and follow the RUNNING.txt file, included with the download,
  but also availabe at http://jakarta.apache.org under the Tomcat
  project (make sure you read the one for version 4.0.6).

- Edit the %CATALINA_HOME%\conf\server.xml file:
  - Find the first Context element
  - Add the following element:

    >Context path="/dbf" docBase="dbf" debug="0" reloadable="true"/<

    - "path" is a relative virtual path on the server (e.g. localhost/dbf)
    - "docBase" is the directory where the files are located; this is relative
      off of %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps, but you can specify full paths such
      as c:\mydir\here.
    - For more information, read the Tomcat docs.

- Create the directory specified in the "docBase" above.
- Create a sub-directory, WEB-INF
- Create a sub-directory, WEB-INF\lib

6.3.4. Create dbforms web.xml file

- Create a file called web.xml with the contents shown below, and put it
  in the WEB-INF directory you just created. [1] 

(You must manually remove any line breaks that occur in any
of the elements below. Formatting this file made them inevitable.)

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: snip :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.3//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd">
  <!-- =========== DbForms Configuration Servlet =========== -->
  <!-- optional? Seems to work without this. rb, 1/23/2003.-->

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: snip :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

- Create a file index.html that contains simply "hello world" and put
  it in %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\dbf.

- Start Tomcat (run %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\startup.bat), and attempt to
  load this file by going to


- If there is a problem, it is a Tomcat problem. You'll have to solve
  that on your own using all available Tomcat support resources. (Start
  with the file RUNNING.txt.)

6.3.5. Get what web.xml needs

A number of files are referred to in web.xml. We list them here by their
<param-name> names, and explain what to do about them.

* <param-name>dbformsConfig</param-name>
  We create this file below, with devgui.

* <param-name>log4j.configuration</param-name>
  Create a file called log4j.properties and put it into WEB-INF. It should
  have the following contents:

(You must manually remove any line breaks that occur in any
of the # comments below. Formatting this file made them inevitable.)

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: snip :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

# Log4j Configuation file
# Created by Matthew Stein, 1/14/2003
# Based out of text in
# http://www.javaworld.com/jw-11-2000/jw-1122-log4j-p2.html

# First, set the "rootCategory" so everything gets logged if necessary.

# (For multiple logs beyond those specified here, use , name format.
log4j.rootCategory=ALL, A2, A3

# Define A2
#   Define writer
#   Define layout
log4j.appender.A2.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n

#Define A3 [a/k/a A2 written to a file ]
#   Define writer
#   Define layout
log4j.appender.A3.File=/RFA.log log4j.appender.A3.MaxBackupIndex=10
log4j.appender.A3.MaxFileSize=1MB log4j.appender.A3.Append=True
log4j.appender.A3.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{DATE} %F %p: %C(%x) - %m%n

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: snip :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

* <param-name>validation</param-name>,
  See the Validation_Framework chapter for more information on this.

* <taglib-uri>/WEB-INF/dbforms.tld</taglib-uri>
  Put %DBFORMS_HOME%\dist\*.tld into WEB-INF

Copy required jars

- Copy these jars, downloaded previously, into WEB-INF\lib:
  - commons-beanutils.jar
  - commons-collections.jar
  - commons-digester.jar
  - commons-logging.jar
  - commons-validator.jar
  - commons-lang.jar
  - cos.jar
  - jakarta-oro-2.0.6.jar
  - log4j.jar

- Find the three jars that come with the MS SQL Server JDBC driver,and
  copy them into WEB-INF\lib. Their names are:
  - mssqlserver.jar
  - msbase.jar
  - msutil.jar

- Copy %DBFORMS_HOME%\dist\dbforms_v1_1_3pr1.jar into WEB-INF\lib 

6.3.6. Prepare MS SQL Server

In this document, we will assume the following names for MS SQL Server;
just substitute those of your actual MS SQL Server installation:

server name:    birdserver
database name:  parrotDb
table name:     PLUMAGE_TABLE

The table PLUMAGE_TABLE has the following properties:
- you are willing to modify its rows
- it has an identity column
- it has no foreign keys.

(In a different document, we describe how to use dbforms with tables
that have foreign keys.)

6.3.7. Create MS SQL Server user

In order for dbforms to point to parrotDb, and not some other default db
like "master", we create a user to whom we assign parrotDb as the
default. (This isn't strictly necessary, see footnote [2]; but we chose to do it that way.)

We will create:

user on parrotDb:         dbfuser
password:                 dbfpwd
user's default database:  parrotDb

- Open Sql Enterprise Manager (*ii*)

- Click on the database parrotDb
- Double-click the Users icon on the right

- Right-click on the right pane and select New database user...
- Name: dbfuser
- SQL Server authentication password: dbfpwd

- Database: parrotDb  - database
- Roles:
  - public (assigned automatically)
  - db_datareader
  - db_datawrite

6.3.8. Generate dbforms-config.xml

- (optional) When you installed the Microsoft JDBC driver above,  it
  installed 3 jars (in the \lib directory underneath the  installation
  directory). Copy the three Microsoft JDBC jars to a simple, top level
  directory (like c:\java\jars or something)  now to avoid a horribly
  illegible classpath.
- Put the three MS JDBC jars into your classpath

- Set DBFORMS_HOME to the directory you installed dbforms to, e.g.
  c:\java\dbforms or whatever. [3] 

(These steps are described more generally in the Readme_DevGui (no
extension) in the %DBFORMS_HOME% directory. I have left out the xml/xsl
jars because j2sdk 2.0 1.4 already has stuff like that.)

- Run %DBFORMS_HOME%\bin\devgui.bat

You will see four tabs. Fill them out as follows: (Note that you can
save all the info we are about to type in into a reloadable file, via
the Project menu.)

- WebApps tab:
  - Location of Webapp: If for example %CATALINA_HOME% is
    c:\tc401, then this would be c:\tc401\webapps\dbf
  - Web-URL of Webapp: for the installation described in this document,
    this would be

- Database tab:
    - JDBC driver class: this what is inside the Java call
      class.forName. You can find it inside the MS JDBC documentation. It is: 
    - JDBC URL: Again, this is in the help file. It is a parameter of
      the Java JDBC DriverManager.getConnection call. It is:
      or in the example we are using:

      (If your server is on another machine, you might want to use the full
      DNS name, e.g. birdserver.internal.pets4all.com, not just birdserver.)

  - Username and password:
    In our example, these are "dbfuser" and "dbfpwd".
    - Click Test connection.
    - If unsuccessful, double-check the above values, and that the
      MS JDBC jars are really in your classpath.

- XML Config tab
  This tab is for creating the dbforms-config.xml. [4]

  - DbForms config file:
    Specify the path and file name for the docBase you specified \WEB-
    INF\dbforms-config.xml If you don't have one yet (and you shouldn't,
    if your following these instructions for the first time)
      - click Browse
      - drill down to the directory specified in docBase\WEB-INF
      - type in "dbforms-config.xml" in the File Name box
      - click Open
      - ignore the error message.
    Alternatively, you can just type in the exact path and file name

  - Examine:
    This is self-explanatory. Here you say whether you want to use
    dbforms web pages to update/insert/delete tables, and/or views,
    and/or system tables.
    - choose Tables.
    - Click the LOAD button.
  - Catalogs:
    In MS SQL Server, these are databases.
    - Click "in catalog with name"
    - select e.g. PLUMAGE_TABLE
  - Schemas:
    (Honestly, we don't know what these correspond to in MS SQL Server.
    Just do what we did:)
    - Choose dbo.
    - Check "in schema with name pattern."
  - Table names:
    (You can use the LIKE wild cards % and _. For this example:)
    - type PLUMAGE_TABLE for the table name
    - Check "with table name pattern."
  - Autocommit
    - Check "use autocommit". (We don't know why, but it works.)
  - Try to write standard types...
    - Leave this unchecked. (We don't know why, but it works.)

  - Foreign key detection
    - For this example, check "deactivated".

  - Include catalog/schema name in table name
    - Leave unchecked. (*v*)
  - Set Date Format to:
    - Umm... We don't know whether this is just for how dates are
      displayed, or for something else. We've treated it as a display-
      only choice; so choose your favorite.

  - Click Generate Xml.
  - Expand the window to see the generated xml.
  - Edit the generated xml as follows:
    - Find the
        fieldType="int identity"
      attribute. Change this to:
    - If the same tag doesn't have an autoInc attribute, add:
  - Delete any columns you don't want to display/edit via dbforms.
  - Click Save.
    This saves the xml to the xml into the file you specified
    at the top of the dialog, as
      the specified docBase\WEB-INF\dbforms-config.xml

- XSL Transformation tab
  In devgui, click the fourth tab, XSL Transformation. From this dialog,
  DevGui simply transforms the dbforms-config.xml file with each of the
  xsl style sheets listed. Each style sheet produces a different jsp or
  set of jsps. [5] 
  That's the beauty of dbforms: if you have 20 tables, you don't have to
  lose your mind generating custom jsps for each one; instead, you come
  to this dialog and generate them all.

  - Stylesheet directory:
    This will already be set to where the xsls are in the dbforms
  - Use JavaScript Calendar
    May or may not work on your browser. Allows you to select a date
    from a pop-up calendar instead of typing in the date. Check if
    you're feeling moderately adventurous.
  - For each xsl stylesheet listed:
    - click on it to highlight it
    - click "start transformation!"

  - Do *not* edit and/or save the xsl stylesheets displayed at the
    bottom of the dialog.

[1] Please note that you will not find this file's full contents in the documentation. Different parts of the dbforms documentation contain parts of, but not all of it; an essential part is missing altogether and only in the mailing list archive.

[2] There are two reasons why you might check this. -First, it is a way to ensure that you are referring to the db you want, in this case "parrotDb". In this example, we chose to do this by creating a Sql Server user whose default database we can specify; that way, when Java connects to the db via JDBC, we guarantee that "parrotDb" will be used. Instead, you could choose any user (with appropriate permissions), not specify its default db, and instead explicitly state the database and user by checking "Include Schema name in table name." Unfortunately, we are baffled by what a Schema name is -- the list of them in devgui doesn't make sense to us. But that's our problem, not devgui's or Sql Server's. Second, if you generate dbforms pages for more than one "catalog" (a MS SQL Server database), then of course you have to specify the catalog of each table. Otherwise neither JDBC nor SQL Server will know which db to look for the table in. We haven't tried this, and we hope never to have to!

[3] Shortcut: Instead of right-clicking on My Computer and selecting Properties, hold down the Windows key and press the Break key. Don't forget that after making changes to environment variables only affect new "cmd" dos windows, not any that are already open.

[4] You can actually call it whatever you want, since you specify the file's name in your web.xml file, in the <param-name> dbformsConfig</param-name>.

[5] If you know xsl, feel free to edit them to your heart's delight, and store your edited ones in a different directory: just select that directory here before you start transforming.