Uses of Class

Packages that use Field

Uses of Field in org.dbforms.config

Methods in org.dbforms.config that return Field
 Field FieldValue.getField()
          Gets the field attribute of the FieldValue object
 Field Table.getField(int fieldId)
          Returns the Field-Objet with specified id.
 Field Query.getField(int fieldId)
          returns the Field-Objet with specified id overloaded from Table Specials: 1. if fieldId is in range from search fields, get from search fields 2.
 Field Table.getFieldByName(String aname)
          Returns the field-objects as specified by name (or null if no field with the specified name exists in this table).
 Field Query.getFieldByName(String name)
          returns the field-objects as specified by name (or null if no field with the specified name exists in this table) overloaded from Table Specials: 1.
 Field ResultSetVector.getFieldDescription(String fieldName)
          gets the Field object to a given fieldName

Methods in org.dbforms.config with parameters of type Field
 void Table.addCalcField(Field field)
          adds a Field-Object to this table and puts it into othere datastructure for further references (this method gets called from DbFormsConfig)
 void Table.addField(Field field)
          Adds a Field-Object to this table and puts it into othere datastructure for further references (this method gets called from DbFormsConfig)
 void Query.addSearchField(Field field)
          adds a Field-Object to this table and puts it into othere datastructure for further references (this method gets called from DbFormsConfig)
static FieldValue FieldValue.createFieldValueForSearching(Field field, String fieldValue, Locale locale, int operator, int searchMode, int searchAlgorithm, boolean logicalOR)
          DOCUMENT ME!
static FieldValue FieldValue.createFieldValueForSorting(Field field, int sortDirection)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void FieldValue.setField(Field field)
          Sets the field attribute of the FieldValue object

Constructors in org.dbforms.config with parameters of type Field
FieldValue(Field field, String fieldValue)
          Creates a new FieldValue object.

Uses of Field in org.dbforms.taglib

Methods in org.dbforms.taglib that return Field
 Field AbstractDbBaseHandlerTag.getField()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Methods in org.dbforms.taglib with parameters of type Field
 void DbLinkURLTag.addPositionPart(Field field, String value)
          to be called by DbLinkPositonItems
static String TextFormatterUtil.FormatText(Field field, HttpServletRequest request, String pattern, Object obj)
          DOCUMENT ME!
static String TextFormatterUtil.FormatText(Field field, Locale locale, String pattern, Object obj)
          DOCUMENT ME!
protected  String DbSearchTag.RenderHiddenFields(Field f)
          DOCUMENT ME!
protected  void AbstractDbBaseHandlerTag.setField(Field field)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void DbFormTag.strikeOut(Field f)
          This method gets called by input-tags like "DbTextFieldTag" and others.

Constructors in org.dbforms.taglib with parameters of type Field
TextFormatterUtil(Field field, Locale locale, String pattern, Object obj)
          Creates a new TextFormatter object.

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