Package org.dbforms.event

Class Summary
AbstractDatabaseEvent Abstract base class for all web-events related to database operations like inserts, updates, deletes.
AbstractDatabaseEventFactory DatabaseEventFactory class.
AbstractEventFactory The EventFactory abstract class provides the interface and the implementation of protected methods used by eventFactory subclasses (see NavEventFactory and DatabaseEventFactory).
AbstractNavEventFactory The NavEventFactory abstract class provides the interface for a Navigation Event concrete class (see NavEventFactoryImpl).
AbstractNavigationEvent Abstract base class for all web-events related to navigation.
AbstractValidationEvent abstract base class for all database operations which need validation, e.g.
AbstractWebEvent Abstract base class for all web-events.
BlobInterceptor This Interceptor can be used to automatically store the filenames, content types and file sizes of BLOBS in some table column specified, so that it is not lost.
DatabaseEventFactoryImpl DatabaseEventFactoryImpl class.
DbEventInterceptorSupport convenience class
EventEngine This class is invoked by the Controller-Servlet.
EventHelper EventUtil class.
KeyInfo KeyInfo class.
NavCopyEvent This event signalizes to the framework that the user wants to initialize a new dataset with values coming from current row #fixme: lousy description
NavEventFactoryImpl Implementation of a Navigation Event Factory.
NavNewEvent This event signalizes to the framework that the user wants to initializa a new dataset #fixme: lousy description
PageReloadEvent ReloadEvent is used to reload the current page with data from Request object.

Exception Summary
WebEventException DOCUMENT ME!

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