Custom tag library for many kinds of data input- and presentation-widgets
Custom tag library for many kinds of action-buttons (navigation, insert, delete, update, new, search, ...)
Built in sorting support
Built in searching support
Built in row filtering support
Built in Blob support
Built in "Diskblob" support (substitution of a databases' BLOB capability by storing files on the file system instead)
Automatic re-repopulating input fields
Automatic updating of multiple rows with only 1 submit
Styling tags
Multi + concurrent user support
Complete flexibility, as all DbForms-views are just usual JSP files. No preprocessing, no dubious code generation. Just keep on using your favorite HTML/JSP editing tools!
Security (support of role-based permission granting)
Scalability (support of database connection pools, no (known) bottlenecks in DbForms architecture, no constraints on database- or table-size)
Support for scripting independently from the custom tag library (through JSP TEIs)
API for programming
application hookups (database event listeners) to interoperate with virtual any other components (EJBs, Servlets, Struts applications, Legacy Systems, etc.) available to the web-application