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1   /*
2    * $Header: /cvsroot/jdbforms/dbforms/src/org/dbforms/event/,v 1.8 2005/02/19 21:26:29 hkollmann Exp $
3    * $Revision: 1.8 $
4    * $Date: 2005/02/19 21:26:29 $
5    *
6    * DbForms - a Rapid Application Development Framework
7    * Copyright (C) 2001 Joachim Peer <>
8    *
9    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10   * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11   * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12   * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13   *
14   * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15   * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17   * Lesser General Public License for more details.
18   *
19   * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20   * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
21   * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
22   */
24  package org.dbforms.event;
26  import org.dbforms.config.DbFormsConfig;
27  import org.dbforms.config.FieldValue;
28  import org.dbforms.config.FieldValues;
29  import org.dbforms.config.Table;
30  import org.dbforms.config.ValidationException;
32  import org.dbforms.util.FileHolder;
33  import java.sql.Connection;
35  import java.util.HashMap;
36  import java.util.Iterator;
37  import java.util.Map;
39  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
43  /***
44   * This Interceptor can be used to automatically store the filenames, content
45   * types and file sizes of BLOBS in some table column specified, so that it is
46   * not lost.  Currently, the interceptor must be configured manually in
47   * dbforms-config.xml inside the adequate table definition (see user guide)
48   * The interceptor MUST be initialized with the following parameters:
49   *
50   * <ul>
51   * <li>
52   * <b>blob-column </b>- the name of the BLOB field
53   * </li>
54   * <li>
55   * <b>name-column </b>- a character field to store the FILENAME of the uploaded
56   * file
57   * </li>
58   * </ul>
59   *
60   * Optionaly may be specified:
61   *
62   * <ul>
63   * <li>
64   * <b>mime-column </b>- a character field to store the content typpe of the
65   * uploaded file
66   * </li>
67   * <li>
68   * <b>size-column </b>- an integer field to store the file size of the uploaded
69   * file
70   * </li>
71   * </ul>
72   *
73   * if the table contains multiple BLOBs, then a unique integer n has to be
74   * appended to blob-column and blob-name to associate the correct pairs of
75   * BLOB, NAME, MIME and SIZE fields.  Usage Examples:
76   *
77   * <p>
78   * if one BLOB:
79   * </p>
80   *
81   * <p>
82   * &lt;interceptor className="org.dbforms.event.BlobInterceptor"&gt; <br>
83   * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="blob-column" value="file"/&gt; <br>
84   * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="name-column" value="filename"/&gt; <br>
85   * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="mime-column" value="mime_type"/&gt; <br>
86   * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="size-column" value="file_size"/&gt; <br>
87   * &lt;/interceptor&gt; <br>
88   * </p>
89   *
90   * <p>
91   * if mulitple BLOBs:
92   * </p>
93   *
94   * <p>
95   * &lt;interceptor className="org.dbforms.event.BlobInterceptor"&gt; <br>
96   * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="blob-column1" value="file"/&gt; <br>
97   * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="name-column1" value="filename"/&gt; <br>
98   * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="mime-column1" value="mime_type"/&gt; <br>
99   * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="size-column1" value="file_size"/&gt; <br>
100  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="blob-column2" value="otherfile"/&gt; <br>
101  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="name-column2" value="otherfilename"/&gt; <br>
102  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="mime-column2" value="other_mime_type"/&gt; <br>
103  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="size-column2" value="other_file_size"/&gt; <br>
104  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="blob-column3" value="foofile"/&gt; <br>
105  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="name-column3" value="foofilename"/&gt; <br>
106  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="mime-column3" value="foo_mime_type"/&gt; <br>
107  * &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;param name="size-column3" value="foo_file_size"/&gt; <br>
108  * &lt;/interceptor&gt; <br>
109  * </p>
110  *
111  * @author Joe Peer
112  */
113 public class BlobInterceptor extends DbEventInterceptorSupport {
114    private static final int BLOB_COL      = 0;
115    private static final int NAME_COL      = 1;
116    private static final int MIME_COL      = 2;
117    private static final int SIZE_COL      = 3;
118    private HashMap          blobFieldData;
120    /***
121     * takes params, sorts/groups and stores for later use
122     *
123     * @param params DOCUMENT ME!
124     */
125    public void setParameterMap(Map params) {
126       super.setParameterMap(params);
127       blobFieldData = new HashMap();
129       for (Iterator iter = params.entrySet()
130                                  .iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
131          Map.Entry me    = (Map.Entry);
132          String    key   = (String) me.getKey();
133          String    value = (String) me.getValue();
135          if (key.startsWith("blob-column")) {
136             Integer  ii = getSuffixAsInteger(key, "blob-column");
137             String[] s = (String[]) blobFieldData.get(ii);
139             if (s == null) {
140                s = new String[4];
141                blobFieldData.put(ii, s);
142             }
144             s[BLOB_COL] = value;
145          } else if (key.startsWith("name-column")) {
146             Integer  ii = getSuffixAsInteger(key, "name-column");
147             String[] s = (String[]) blobFieldData.get(ii);
149             if (s == null) {
150                s = new String[4];
151                blobFieldData.put(ii, s);
152             }
154             s[NAME_COL] = value;
155          } else if (key.startsWith("mime-column")) {
156             Integer  ii = getSuffixAsInteger(key, "mime-column");
157             String[] s = (String[]) blobFieldData.get(ii);
159             if (s == null) {
160                s = new String[4];
161                blobFieldData.put(ii, s);
162             }
164             s[MIME_COL] = value;
165          } else if (key.startsWith("size-column")) {
166             Integer  ii = getSuffixAsInteger(key, "size-column");
167             String[] s = (String[]) blobFieldData.get(ii);
169             if (s == null) {
170                s = new String[4];
171                blobFieldData.put(ii, s);
172             }
174             s[SIZE_COL] = value;
175          }
176       }
177    }
180    /***
181     * stores filenames, content types and file sizes of all blobs in the
182     * NAME_COLUMNs, MIME_COLUMNs and SIZE_COLUMNs specified
183     *
184     * @param request DOCUMENT ME!
185     * @param table DOCUMENT ME!
186     * @param fieldValues DOCUMENT ME!
187     * @param config DOCUMENT ME!
188     * @param con DOCUMENT ME!
189     *
190     * @return DOCUMENT ME!
191     */
192    public int preInsert(HttpServletRequest request,
193                         Table              table,
194                         FieldValues        fieldValues,
195                         DbFormsConfig      config,
196                         Connection         con) throws ValidationException {
197       assignBlobData(table, fieldValues);
199       return GRANT_OPERATION;
200    }
203    /***
204     * stores filenames, content types and file sizes of all blobs in the
205     * NAME_COLUMNs, MIME_COLUMNs and SIZE_COLUMNs specified
206     *
207     * @param request DOCUMENT ME!
208     * @param table DOCUMENT ME!
209     * @param fieldValues DOCUMENT ME!
210     * @param config DOCUMENT ME!
211     * @param con DOCUMENT ME!
212     *
213     * @return DOCUMENT ME!
214     */
215    public int preUpdate(HttpServletRequest request,
216                         Table              table,
217                         FieldValues        fieldValues,
218                         DbFormsConfig      config,
219                         Connection         con) throws ValidationException {
220       assignBlobData(table, fieldValues);
222       return GRANT_OPERATION;
223    }
226    /***
227     * utility function
228     *
229     * @param value DOCUMENT ME!
230     * @param stub DOCUMENT ME!
231     *
232     * @return DOCUMENT ME!
233     */
234    private Integer getSuffixAsInteger(String value,
235                                       String stub) {
236       String suffix = value.substring(stub.length());
238       if (suffix.length() == 0) {
239          return new Integer(Integer.MIN_VALUE);
240       } else {
241          return new Integer(suffix);
242       }
243    }
246    /***
247     * goes through params and makes sure that the fileholder's file name info
248     * associated to the blob field BLOB_COLUMN is stored in the NAME_COLUMN
249     * field. The same is with MIME_COLUMN and SIZE_COLUMN fields.
250     *
251     * @param table DOCUMENT ME!
252     * @param fieldValues DOCUMENT ME!
253     */
254    private void assignBlobData(Table       table,
255                                FieldValues fieldValues) {
256       for (Iterator iter = blobFieldData.values()
257                                         .iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
258          String[]   s  = (String[]);
259          FieldValue fv = fieldValues.get(s[BLOB_COL]);
261          if (fv != null) {
262             Object o = fv.getFieldValueAsObject();
264             if ((o != null) && o instanceof FileHolder) {
265                String fileName    = ((FileHolder) o).getFileName();
266                String contentType = ((FileHolder) o).getContentType();
267                int    fileLength  = ((FileHolder) o).getFileLength();
268                setValue(table, fieldValues, s[NAME_COL], fileName);
270                if (s[MIME_COL] != null) {
271                   setValue(table, fieldValues, s[MIME_COL], contentType);
272                }
274                if (s[SIZE_COL] != null) {
275                   setValue(table, fieldValues, s[SIZE_COL],
276                            String.valueOf(fileLength));
277                }
278             }
279          }
280       }
281    }
282 }