Tag checkbox

renders a HTML CHECKBOX element or a whole group of them

						radio tag, may be a radio group as well and it
						may contain nested DbData-Tags(like tableData,
						queryData, staticData, ...)
							<!We want to display a checkbox which,
							when checked, is set to "yes"
							<db:checkbox fieldName="yesNo"

Tag Information
Tag Classorg.dbforms.taglib.DbCheckboxTag
TagExtraInfo ClassNone
Body ContentJSP
Display NameNone

idfalsetruejava.lang.String expose id, enables interaction with JavaScript
fieldNametruetruejava.lang.String name of the field this tag references to
valuefalsetruejava.lang.String value that should be used if checkbox is checked dbforms will compare this value with the value in the database
novaluefalsetruejava.lang.String value that should be used if check box is not checked
checkedfalsetruejava.lang.String determinates if this checkbox should be checked by default when form is in insert mode only needed if parentForm is in "insert-mode", otherwise the DbForms-Framework determinates whether a checkbox should be selected or not.
forcefalsetruejava.lang.String If true value of checked attribute is always used.
growDirectionfalsetruejava.lang.String for checkbox groups only: in which direction should the group grow: valid values are "horizontal" and "vertical"
growSizefalsetruejava.lang.String Allows a developer to limit the number of elements per row by generating [TABLE] [TR] [TD] html tags.
accessKeyfalsetruejava.lang.String The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to thiselement.
readOnlyfalsetruejava.lang.String Rendering of read-only html widgets WARNING: This is not terribly secure as it becomes editable if javascript is disabled in the browser. A More secure option is not placing an update button on your form.
onBlurfalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus.
onChangefalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses inputfocus and its value has changed.
onClickfalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse click.
onDblClickfalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives amouse double click.
onFocusfalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives inputfocus.
onKeyDownfalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed.
onKeyPressfalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is depressed and released.
onKeyUpfalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and akey is released.
onMouseDownfalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mousepointer and a mouse button is depressed.
onMouseMovefalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and the pointer is moved.
onMouseOutfalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under themouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element.
onMouseOverfalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not underthe mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element.
onMouseUpfalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under themouse pointer and a mouse button is released.
onSelectfalsetruejava.lang.String JavaScipt event hanlder executed when the user selects some text
styleClassfalsetruejava.lang.String CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element.
readOnlyStyleClassfalsetruejava.lang.String CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element (read-only mode).
titlefalsetruejava.lang.String this defines the "title" attribute for the HTML4 tag.
tabIndexfalsetruejava.lang.String The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element.

No Variables Defined.

Output Generated by Tag Library Documentation Generator. Java, JSP, and JavaServer Pages are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the US and other countries. Copyright 2002-4 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054, U.S.A. All Rights Reserved.