
Standard Syntax:
     <%@ taglib prefix="dbforms" uri="dbforms.tld" %>

XML Syntax:
     <anyxmlelement xmlns:dbforms="dbforms.tld" />

version 2.6-SNAPSHOT

Tag Library Information
Display NameNone
Short Namedbforms

Tag Summary
dbform a database application form (root element of a JSP view)
header this tag renders a Header-tag. It should be nested within a dbform-tag
body this tag renders a Body-tag. It should to be nested within a dbform-tag.
footer the footer grouping tag. it is supposed to be nested within a dbform-tag
label this tag renders a dabase-datadriven LABEL, which is a passive element (it can't be changed bythe user) - it is predestinated for use with read-only data (i.e. primary keys you don't want the user to change, etc)
dateLabel label - a tag for date data PRESENTATION, NOT data EDITING (=> can never be used as input field)
dataLabel label - a tag for data PRESENTATION, NOT data EDITING (=> can never be used as input field)
textField this tag renders a dabase-datadriven TEXTFIELD, which is an active element - the usercan change data
dateField this tag renders a dabase-datadriven DATE-FIELD, which is an active element - the usercan change data. it is very similar to TextField, especially since they now both support global setting for each type and language.
textArearenders a HTML TEXTAREA element
textAreaForBlobsrenders a HTML TEXTAREA element
tableData external data to be nested into radio, checkbox or select - tag!(useful only in conjunction with radio, checkbox or select - tag)
confTableData external data to be nested into radio, checkbox or select - tag!(useful only in conjunction with radio, checkbox or select - tag) this tag provides similar functionality to "TableData", but as it allows to use the table data given in the conf file and use a filter clause like in dbform tag
queryData external data to be nested into radio, checkbox or select - tag!(useful only in conjunction with radio, checkbox or select - tag)
staticData external data to be nested into radio, checkbox or select - tag!(useful only in conjunction with radio, checkbox or select - tag)
staticDataItem data to be nested into staticData element! (see description of staticData for further details)
getConnection Allows other tags (or scriptlets) to obtain a database connection object using the same settings found in dbForms-config.xml
setDataSource Allows other tags (or scriptlets) to obtain a DataSource using the same settings found in dbForms-config.xml
file this tag renders an UPLOAD-button for uploading files into BLOBs or DISKBLOBs
radio renders a HTML RADIO element or a whole group of them
checkbox renders a HTML CHECKBOX element or a whole group of them
select This tag renders a html SELECT element including embedded OPTION elements.
linkURLgenerates a link to a DbForms View
position element to be embedded inside a linkURL-element
insertButtonthis tag renders an INSERT-button
deleteButtonthis tag renders a DELETE-button
updateButtonthis tag renders an UPDATE-button
navPrevButton this tag renders a navigation button for scrolling to previous row(s) of the current table
navNextButton this tag renders a navigation button for scrolling to next row(s) of the current table
navFirstButton this tag renders a navigation button for scrolling to the first row(s) of the current table
navLastButton this tag renders a navigation button for scrolling to the last row(s) of the current table
navNewButton this tag renders a navigation button for creating a new row of data
navCopyButton this tag renders a navigation button for creating a copy of a row of data that you can then modify and insert
navReloadButton this tag renders a navigation button for reloading and moving to the first row of the current table
gotoButtonbutton for jumping to other jsp
baserenders a HTML-BASE tag
errors Custom tag that renders error messages if an appropriate request attributehas been created.
xmlErrors Custom tag that renders error messages if an appropriate request attributehas been created. Used in conjuction with xml error manager
hasError This tag renders it's body if an error has occured
hasMoreRecords Verifies if the number of records in the result set is larger then the number specified
hasNoRecords Verifies if the number of records in the result set equal 0
hasRecords Verifies if the number of records in the result set is not equal 0
associatedRadio This tag enables the end-user to define a row by selecting the radio-buttonrendered by this tag
blobURL This tag generates an URL pointing to a servlet downloading the DISKBLOB referenced by fieldName
blobContentNo Description
sort this tag rendes a select box for switching the order-state of a field (ascending, descending, none) (this tag is full functional but still subject of change)
stylegeneric style tag
templateParamparam name
templateBasedir writes out base dir of the current template
message this tag renders a read-only text label. The data displayed is retrieved via a resource bundle and is locale-specific.
javascriptArray This tag was added to allow the generation of a javascript array from EmbeddedData.
isWebEvent Allows a developer to detect which type of event is being processed by the DbForms controller. The following events are currently available within dbForms: navFirst,navPrev, navNext, navLast, navNew, noop, goto, insert, update, delete
pos Renders a position to use with keyToDestPos. This is the same string wich would be used as value in the DbassociatedRadioTag.
search Renders all the needed fields for searching. Hides the searchfieldName stuff from the JSP developer. Rewrites the input field with the old value.
searchCombo Renders all the needed fields for searching with a comboBox. Hides the searchfieldName stuff from the JSP developer. Rewrites the input field with the old value. Can be used together with tableData, queryData or staticData.
searchCheckBox Renders a CheckBox for searching. The field value wich is searched for is the value of the value attribute. Renders all the needed fields for searching. Hides the searchfieldName stuff from the JSP developer.
filter Create a set of sql filter conditions, letting user select which one will be applied.
filterCondition Holds an sql condition that has to be nested inside a DbFilterTag.
filterValue Map a placeholder (?) in sql code to an input tag. Used as nested tag inside filterCondition.
redirectURLforce a redirect to a DbForms View
setCustomFormatter Register a Custom Formatter for later use
textFormat this tag formats a value with dbforms format settings
pieData This datatag generates a cewolf DatasetProducer with PieDataSet included. Data is taken from the dbforms resultsetvector.
categoryData This datatag generates a cewolf DatasetProducer with CategoryDataSet included. Data is taken from the dbforms resultsetvector.
highLowData This datatag generates a cewolf DatasetProducer with a OHCDDataSet included. This can be used to produce a HighLow plot. Data is taken from the dbforms resultsetvector.
timeSeriesData This datatag generates a cewolf DatasetProducer for a timeSeriesDataSet included. Data is taken from the dbforms resultsetvector. Inside this tag must be at least one timeSeriesField tag defined which will helds the information for the values
timeSeriesField This tags defines the fields for a cewolf timeSeries data tag
property Name/value-pair to paramterize a surrounding tag whose handler must implement the IPropertyList interface.
presetFormValues Register a custom handler which is called before the filter values are retrieved, just after calling the table before select handler. This handler can be used to preset form values

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