Uses of Class

Packages that use Table

Uses of Table in org.dbforms.config

Subclasses of Table in org.dbforms.config
 class Query
           This class represents the query tag in dbforms-config.xml (dbforms config xml file) it's derived from the table class and overloads the necessary methods.

Methods in org.dbforms.config that return Table
 Table TableEvents.getTable()
          Gets the table attribute of the TableEvent object
 Table Field.getTable()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 Table DbFormsConfig.getTable(int index)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 Table DbFormsConfig.getTableByName(String name)
          DOCUMENT ME!

Methods in org.dbforms.config with parameters of type Table
 void DbFormsConfig.addTable(Table table)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 FieldValues Table.mapChildFieldValues(Table parentTable, String parentFieldString, String childFieldString, String aPosition)
          maps child fields to parent fields
 void TableEvents.setTable(Table table)
          Sets the table attribute of the TableEvent object
 void Field.setTable(Table table)
          DOCUMENT ME!

Constructors in org.dbforms.config with parameters of type Table
ResultSetVector(Table table)
          Creates a new ResultSetVector object with the given FieldList
ResultSetVector(Table table, Vector selectedFields)
          Creates a new ResultSetVector object.

Uses of Table in org.dbforms.event

Methods in org.dbforms.event that return Table
 Table AbstractWebEvent.getTable()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Methods in org.dbforms.event with parameters of type Table
 AbstractNavigationEvent NavEventFactoryImpl.createEvent(String action, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config, Table table)
          create and return a new navigation event.
abstract  AbstractNavigationEvent AbstractNavEventFactory.createEvent(String action, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config, Table table)
          Create and return a new navigation event.
 AbstractNavigationEvent NavEventFactoryImpl.createGotoEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config, String positionString)
          Create and return a new navGoto event.
abstract  AbstractNavigationEvent AbstractNavEventFactory.createGotoEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config, String positionString)
          Create and return a new navGoto event.
 AbstractNavigationEvent NavEventFactoryImpl.createGotoEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config, String whereClause, String tableList)
          Create and return a new navGoto event.
abstract  AbstractNavigationEvent AbstractNavEventFactory.createGotoEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config, String whereClause, String tableList)
          Create and return a new navGoto event.
 Enumeration EventEngine.generateSecundaryEvents(Table actTable, AbstractWebEvent exclude)
          Generate secundary events (update events)
protected  String AbstractEventFactory.getEventIdFromDestinationTable(Table table, String action)
          Get the Event identifier from the destination table related to the input action string
 int DbEventInterceptorSupport.preDelete(HttpServletRequest request, Table table, FieldValues fieldValues, DbFormsConfig config, Connection con)
 int DbEventInterceptorSupport.preInsert(HttpServletRequest request, Table table, FieldValues fieldValues, DbFormsConfig config, Connection con)
 int BlobInterceptor.preInsert(HttpServletRequest request, Table table, FieldValues fieldValues, DbFormsConfig config, Connection con)
          stores filenames, content types and file sizes of all blobs in the NAME_COLUMNs, MIME_COLUMNs and SIZE_COLUMNs specified
 int DbEventInterceptorSupport.preUpdate(HttpServletRequest request, Table table, FieldValues fieldValues, DbFormsConfig config, Connection con)
 int BlobInterceptor.preUpdate(HttpServletRequest request, Table table, FieldValues fieldValues, DbFormsConfig config, Connection con)
          stores filenames, content types and file sizes of all blobs in the NAME_COLUMNs, MIME_COLUMNs and SIZE_COLUMNs specified
 void AbstractWebEvent.setTable(Table table)
          DOCUMENT ME!
protected  void DbEventInterceptorSupport.setValue(Table table, FieldValues fieldValues, String fieldName, String value)
          adds or replace a value in the fieldValues

Constructors in org.dbforms.event with parameters of type Table
AbstractNavigationEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config)
          called by DbFormsTag to create local web event
NavCopyEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config)
          Creates a new NavCopyEvent object.
NavNewEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config)
          Creates a new NavNewEvent object.

Uses of Table in org.dbforms.event.classic

Constructors in org.dbforms.event.classic with parameters of type Table
GotoEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config, String position)
          Deprecated. this constructer is not called by the controller but, actually, BY THE VIEW for example if the FormTag "gotoPrefix" attribute is set an a GotoEvent needs to be instanciated
GotoEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config, String whereClause, String tableList)
          Deprecated. this constructer is not called by the controller but, actually, BY THE VIEW for example if the FormTag needs a free form select, this constructor is called
NavFirstEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config)
          Deprecated. Creates a new NavFirstEvent object.
NavLastEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config)
          Deprecated. Creates a new NavLastEvent object.
NavNextEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config)
          Deprecated. Constructor used for call from localevent.
NavPrevEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config)
          Deprecated. Constructor used for call from localevents.

Uses of Table in org.dbforms.event.datalist

Constructors in org.dbforms.event.datalist with parameters of type Table
GotoEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config, String position)
          This constructor is not called by the controller but, actually, BY THE VIEW for example if the FormTag "gotoPrefix" attribute is set an a GotoEvent needs to be instanciated.
GotoEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config, String whereClause, String tableList)
          This constructer is not called by the controller but, actually, BY THE VIEW for example if the FormTag needs a free form select, this constructor is called.
NavFirstEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config)
          Creates a new NavFirstEvent object.
NavLastEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config)
          Creates a new NavLastEvent object.
NavNextEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config)
          Constructor used for call from localevent.
NavPrevEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config)
          Constructor used for call from localevents.
ReloadEvent(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config)
          Creates a new ReloadEvent object.

Uses of Table in org.dbforms.event.datalist.dao

Methods in org.dbforms.event.datalist.dao that return Table
 Table AbstractDataSource.getTable()
          gets the Table for the DataSource

Methods in org.dbforms.event.datalist.dao with parameters of type Table
 DataSourceFactory DataSourceSessionList.get(Table table, HttpServletRequest request)
          Get a DataSourceFactory object.
 void DataSourceSessionList.put(Table table, HttpServletRequest request, DataSourceFactory ds)
          Adds a DataSourceFactory object to the list.
 DataSourceFactory DataSourceSessionList.remove(Table table, HttpServletRequest request)
          Remove a DataSource object from the list.
protected  void AbstractDataSource.setTable(Table table)

Constructors in org.dbforms.event.datalist.dao with parameters of type Table
DataSourceFactory(String dbConnectionName, Connection connection, Table table)
          Creates a new DataSourceFactory object.

Uses of Table in org.dbforms.interfaces

Methods in org.dbforms.interfaces that return Table
 Table DbEventInterceptorData.getTable()

Constructors in org.dbforms.interfaces with parameters of type Table
DbEventInterceptorData(HttpServletRequest request, DbFormsConfig config, Connection connection, Table table)
          Creates a new DbEventInterceptorData object.

Uses of Table in org.dbforms.taglib

Methods in org.dbforms.taglib that return Table
 Table DbLinkURLTag.getTable()
          DOCUMENT ME!
 Table DbFormTag.getTable()
          Gets the table attribute of the DbFormTag object
 Table AbstractDbBaseButtonTag.getTable()
          DOCUMENT ME!

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